2021 disc 05: Bradford+Sheffield July 17+18 double WCQR weekend on FULL 1080 50i (Full HD quality) BLURAY

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Every F1+F2 race from July's Startrax double - the last under Covid rules - Saturday Disc One with a full Three Heat's worth of F1 and those scary F2 speeds & crash heights Saturday, plus Sam Brigg pushing red tops around and Tom Harris near Roll and getting dispatched by Ryan Harrison in the GN.    Sunday Sheffield Disc Two has 191 Josh Smith mercilessly trained out of the Final, Wainman warfare and Chris Fort winning the 2 heat Consolation qualifier.

Practically All the Gold Rushing action and smooth moves on the Main camera with Full SCArecordings spec replays of the best of it zoom/slomotion post race - Plus the usual backup cameras for those Very few missed incidents (87 Sam Brigg's vs.Tyre exit from the Saturday Final and how much he spun 515 out on Sunday).  Click to buy SCArecordings 2021double disc 05 before 3pm, be watching as soon as tomorrow! 

£23.80 by post, 3 hours 17minute runtime over two discs on Good as it gets 1080i50 High Definition Bluray - which really is as crisp and detailed as the stills on www.facebook.com/STOCKCARmagazine , Regular TV quality DVD £2 less - See super limited highlight reels at www.facebook.com/STOCKCARmagazine & www.youtube.com/STOCKCARmagazine