STOCKCARmag 2021#09 October, On sale Oct 2nd:
•Tom’s World Final night ‘I was lucky to finish’ words and all about the Davidson’s winningest World Final in SuperCar - and when it famously didn’t. First free to view WF night vid & how to watch it and the grudgy F2 racing goes up a level at F2WFweekend.
•NL: The most Orange F1 World weekend! 9 out of 14 races to the Dutch & New World Master 525 DeKocks’ words on that. •Most extended Back at Bradford World report ever, Lund Wainman’s WF words & who else got the biggest cheers, every major decisive hit of the race decribed and even the (51m!) minute by minute time line.
•F1: Colin Casserley tells the history of how the Dutch F1 drivers got so good (And what else has changed since they joined in) words.
•Golden Oldie: The First Davidson car that took gold with Rob Speak at the wheel... and post F1WF01 318 vs 515 grudgery!
•Backtracking: Keith Barber tells of the Speak vs Wainman times, when Paul Harrison got the top Gold podium spot and Lund’s most famous Tarmac WF.
•F2: just how great the World weekend was this year, 560 > 38 revenge with picture proof & Moodie’s not-Gold colours at Scotland & •StockCars from Hell: how come they build F2s stronger these days!
•National Saloons at All the WF weekends, Skeggy dueling and the first big air crash & roll from reborn Bradford. •V8 Hotstox with words from the Gold top
•RAU at World Friday Sept 9 through 25th KL. •Double Des Penny/Rock Klondike, F2 October Grades and more! • £8.50 by post to UK postcodes - click to buy at the new shop weekdays before 3pm, Read upto as soon as next working day!