Every F1 StockCar race of the weekend from Ron Kroonder's long lunging Friday to the White Top > Speak Clark Greenwood DfC Sunday, plus all Saturday National Saloon Races (and the double roll). Morning after Pete Randall interviews (with the Euro Crashes & Bert winning the 1990 F1WF) and the NMSC 'BriSCA' Ministox Gold Roof Race - Usual Full SCA 2014 specification zoom+Slowmotion post race replays of the (extensive) race deciding action shown during the post race interviews (Peter York at Coventry, Paul Gerrard NiR). Two race cameras on WF night - with the (pictured!) USA1 roll from turn four, and Finnikin's attack for Gold and nodded in winning hit from the homestraight.
3hours 40minutes runtime over two discs - £22 at tracks or £23.50 by post on DVD from the www.STOCKCARmagazine.co.uk online shop. 'Source camera quality' 1080 50i BluRay £2 extra.
F1WF14 highlights clips here: www.youtu.be/ZtDdFYqWs6I , Sunday's MiniGold Race: www.youtu.be/8OePJ36AKrc