The World'99 Svhs Mastertape transferred onto DVD, back in 2013, With!
•The race deciding action highlights from the Eighteen 1983 to 2011 STOCKCAR/SCA recorded World Finals (does not include King's Lynn WFs or Coventry after 1986) 37minute chapter opening the 'Pre-meeting' DVD. This was originally put together for King's Lynn's Brand new Big Screen in the minutes leading upto their 2013 World Final, and whenever people need showing what a big deal an F1 World Final night is ever since - most recently 1997 Bradford in the leadup to return of Bradford
•World'99 -Adrian Blackwell & NIck Knowles in the pits premeeting with every bit of worthy 1999 archive video that would fit in. Every F1 race of the night and most importantly, Every hit of the Smith vs. Wainman vs. Lund F1 Race of the Century. And Rob Speak's 360 victory spin & 'Those are the races you want to be in' words from next day's World Masters.
•Season Review 99! best bits from the 99 F1 Season introduced by Keith Barber; TrackStar Sheffield, Speak comes to F1, Paul v John UKO, etc!
4hr 20m run time over two discs - Only from the STOCKCARmagazine sales unit at the tracks: £15.80, or £17.30 by post/ from this new or old online shop.
Before you Buy! This is all direct from the 20th Century/1900's Svhs Mastertapes with some picture & audio enhancement... but not much; It's nowhere near as good looking the 'From actual raw camera video tape' Restored 1990 World Final SCMvideo DVD/Bluray.